New Improvements to the Fusion System!

Along with many other new features, the latest update also revamped the fusion system for leveling up your Spideys.

You now earn more XP per character depending on its rarity, level, and rank! You will also see a higher vial cost associated with the fusion, compared to the previous cost of 500 vials, but the amount of XP you’ll earn is huge!

For example, let’s say you have a rare character (Rank 1/Level 10) that you want to use to level up another Spidey: 

  • If you have a level-31 uncommon character, then fusing the rare character will provide 2,566 XP!
  • If you have a level-41 epic character, then fusing the rare character will provide 4,820 XP!

Before the update, both fusion examples would only provide 1,250 XP. This new system provides another viable solution to leveling up your Spideys, so check it out!

Plus, a new discard feature has been added to the My Team menu, so you can now sell unwanted Spideys to free up your slots rather than using them for fusion or ranking up.